22 February 2012

Spring is comming!

Spring is comming!! It was 12degrees this morning and the first spring flowers are there. Now we just need grass. According to the gardener April will be the best time. So we just need to wait a little bit more. Then we will have a grass party to celebrate the completion of our house/garden!

21 February 2012


We celebrated Carnaval with lots of friends from school in "The little white church" in De Voorstad. There was lots of space to perform; Julie and Fleur and their friends took their chances often. We had drinks with the other parents.

In Roermond you really have to dress up for Carnaval. Wiggs and lots of make up are necessary.

Julie in front of the Limbo-train at school. Unfortunately it rained...

Fleur opening the school with gunshot confetti. The bee is Fleur's teacher Ilse.

13 February 2012

Leedjes concours carnaval Fleur

Fleur is elected Princess Carnaval of all the 4, 5 and 6 years old of her school Aan de Roer. She and the Prince had special chairs to sit on and watch the competition. They have the key of the school and will open the school tomorrow and will go in front of all Carnaval activities.

The lady with the red hair is Fleur's teacher Petra. Of course she has to change in an official princess dress and obtain the big key.

Fleur on stage. How do you feel?

Exciting!! Who will win the draw? All the kids are in red, green and yellow the collors of carnaval. So it was good to have some Cameronian soccer shirts.

Fleur with best friend Matisse, before the ceremony.